On Thursday, February 12th I was busy at work in Carmel when I got a call saying that my dad was on the way to Stanford University Medical Center. A donor had arrived with a liver that the doctors deemed suitable for him. Everyone, including myself, arrived at the hospital around the same time and found out that his transplant would happen around 6AM, the following morning (Friday the 13th!). I, not having a car at the moment, and having driven there in a company car, really didn't have the freedom to stick around so I headed back to Carmel around midnight with 6AM work to look forward to.
Thankfully, the initial word from the doctors after the transplant was that it was a success. This was a huge relief for me, especially because I was stuck far away working, without a car of my own.
My next day off was Monday the 16th, and I anxiously headed to Stanford to pay my dad a visit. The moment I walked in , I was struck with surprise how much healthier his face and skin looked than usual. I could be exaggerating about that, but one thing for sure is that he looked a lot better than the image I had of people a couple days after an organ transplant. Additionally, the nurses and doctors continued to say that he was doing great! Unfortunately, some of the medication he was on induced delirium which made him difficult to be around at times. That was a bit unexpected, so I decided it would be best for he and Jane that I quit my job so we could all be there for eachother.
He was able to move out of the hospital to an apartment, where he currently is. He is his same old self, and the doctors keep assuring that he is great. This has been a hectic, and exciting time in our lives, and we look forward to getting him back home to Humboldt so he and Jane can continue living it up as a newlyweds!

My special card for my dad
Click the card to enlarge it

Between the Friday I saw my dad as he checked in to Stanford's hospital and the following Monday I saw him I was able to put together a very special card. I was able to get many famous actors to wish him well. From the top to bottom there is Lauren Bacall, Clint Eastwood, Billy Boyd, Josh Hutcherson, and Alfred Molina. The later three were always easily approachable. Ms Bacall was reached through her agent/manager, and I had Mr Eastwood's son get his dad to sign the card. In case any of you are reading, thanks so much! My dad LOVES it!

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5 Reply to "My Dad "Expulsion" From Stanford University"

Anonymous on March 2, 2009 at 11:19 PM

Renn, thanks for the update! Sure would like to see a photo of your Dad.

That's a very special get well card...it was such a great idea for you to do that!

Love, Aunt Jackie


Anonymous on March 3, 2009 at 8:34 AM

I'm so glad he is doing well. And I'm glad that you took the time to come be with him and Jane when things got tough for awhile. He must be very proud to have raised such a caring person. (And the card is very cool! I'll bet Uncle Hale loves it.)


Anonymous on March 4, 2009 at 2:06 AM

you are such a sweet person.
I'm glad that he is getting better.
u need my signature too? :p


Anonymous on March 22, 2009 at 12:28 AM

Thanks Ren! Thanks for the walks in the city , Can ya believe we walked a mile a day at 16 days out of surgery!!! Because of you and the family, I have courage to keep on truckin in this strange magical trip called life. DAD


Ren on March 25, 2009 at 2:08 PM

Jackie> Picture is coming soon!

Miho> Your signature can go on another card... ;)

Dad> Welcome home! See ya soon!


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