The Claska Hotel in Meguro Offers Tokyo's Cheapest Party!

In April this year I wrote about attending a party where I had to make a business card in order to enter. Well, they got my email address from my card and occasionally invite me to other events that they hold.

The Lobby & Lounge

Dog Grooming

Free Heineken, wine, and soft drinks

The vending floor

I think what makes these parties free is the price paid by vendors to sell at the party. A big room on one of the hotel's floors gets filled with products for sale. Most of the items are artistic, unique and eclectic.

Shirts with protruding designs

A trendy, wall mounted tissue case

Let's hear it again for free beer and wine!!

Last night's Halloween at Claska!

Last night Miho, my German roommate Alex, his girlfriend, Asako, his friend, Tim, and I, went to a party at Claska together. It wasn't a costume party at all, but I really felt weird going to a party on October 31st without doing something out of the ordinary so I stole Ryan's western shirt, and wore it with an old had that an elderly man gave him when he was sunburned in a small, coastal town. I then bought the mask for one-hundred yen at the party! Unfortunately, there were probably less than ten people dressed up at the whole party. Oh well, more attention for me!!

At gakugei daigaku station

I was the closest to having a costume on in our group. Alex attempted to dress like a "pimp" by putting on some of Ryan's regular clothes. Asako was dressed in a nice dress, and Miho was business-casual as she went to the party straight from work. Tim ended up in some devil horns, but I'm not sure how he got them.

Alex and Asako at dinner

Miho and I at dinner

Tim on the roof, looking at Tokyo Tower

Tokyo Tower from the roof

The roof was the last place we hung out before deciding to leave. As we passed by the reception desk I remembered that I forgot my jacket at the first party I ever went to at Claska and asked if they still had it. Luckily for me continued hanging on to it since April!
Miho and I made our way to the train and got a reminder of how crazy Saturday night trains are in Tokyo. The cars were full of drunk people, one of which had vomit all over its floor. Miho unexpectedly ended up with Alex's hat on at the end of the night, but as expected she fell asleep in her seat!


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5 Reply to "Halloween 2009 at Tokyo's Claska Hotel"

Miho on November 1, 2009 at 5:16 AM

what?! "as expected"?! haha


ハチ on November 1, 2009 at 11:57 AM

Sounds like fun times!

I think it's amazing that they kept your jacket all this time. さっすが日本!


Ren on November 1, 2009 at 4:39 PM

Yep, さっすが日本!!


Elly on November 2, 2009 at 4:25 PM

Seeing you in the cowboy gear gave me a flashback of 6 year old Ren country line dancing at Redway Elementary. So cute.
I must say, this was your least creative costume... ever! I was looking forward to seeing what you were going to create for the festivities!


Ren on November 3, 2009 at 6:20 AM

I almost had no costume at all so I was satisfied with what I ended up wearing! True, I love to GO BIG!


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